I had never heard of Buster Brown's Defence Scheme No. 1 until now. (Defence, by the way, not Defense). And what an appalling idea, along the lines of "The Mouse that Roared." The Commonwealth would not have intervened then, any more than they would now. But Turdeau has certainly left the country in a perilous position by refusing to resign months ago, when there would have been time for an organized transition. So, by the time our general election is over and done with we'll have the pathetic vision of Pierre the Viper sniffing around Trump's ass. Lord, what a mess, but as you say, for all this nation's flaws, it's a world better than south of the border.
I had never heard of Buster Brown's Defence Scheme No. 1 until now. (Defence, by the way, not Defense). And what an appalling idea, along the lines of "The Mouse that Roared." The Commonwealth would not have intervened then, any more than they would now. But Turdeau has certainly left the country in a perilous position by refusing to resign months ago, when there would have been time for an organized transition. So, by the time our general election is over and done with we'll have the pathetic vision of Pierre the Viper sniffing around Trump's ass. Lord, what a mess, but as you say, for all this nation's flaws, it's a world better than south of the border.