People are going to have a hard time believing what I have to say. There are some institutions that have such a great reputation and are highly revered that it is hard to believe any favorite institution can do anything wrong. To the select few the cracks are shown and those people are shamed and removed from society. I was removed from Evergreen State College for having leftist views.
I chose to go to Evergreen because it was reading heavy and for legacies such as Rachel Corrie. Being older than the normal demographic and a childless woman (even though I identify as androgynous) I fit into no groups. Also I am a veteran of the US Army who has had bad experiences with other veterans. I don't belong in those circles either. I was hoping I could just graduate and move on with my life but no.
My second term at Evergreen was hell. I took a political class to add some analysis for the career in journalism I wanted to have. That was a mistake. The faculty member has been there for over twenty years. He is viewed as a very radical teacher. He has also built his career on being Pro-Palestine.
Being of the anti-war variety was not a good sign to be a student at Evergreen. Being a veteran I was using up the rest of my GI BILL (Free College for Veterans). The person who files the paperwork for the government was not on campus. Evergreen was the third college I went to and I found that odd. The open secret that was being said while I was there was he was in Langley helping Ukrainian Refugees. Evergreen and the state of Washington have taken Ukraine very seriously. The governor has brought in 24,000 refugees.
But there is no critique allowed to happen. Not allowed to talk about the treatment of Africans fleeing the war and being discriminated against as they leave.
Africans are denied entries into our allied countries because they are not white Ukrainians.
Not to mention that Israelis went to Ukraine to fight the war against Russia.
Also the teacher wanted us to hate who he hated on the world political scale which oddly aligns with fascist organizations such as the CIA. Why?
Rojava is being sold as a women led, anarchist, democratic revolution. It is nothing of the sort. The Kurds have been used to destabilize that area for a long time. As far back as 1959 at least the CIA was thinking of using them as a troublesome force in the Middle East.
There are three countries the Kurds are trying to get independence from. Turkey, Iran, and Syria. After the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979 the CIA was seriously looking into using the Kurds to get those resources back.
After WW1 the Armenians and other countries were supposed to get pieces of the destroyed Ottoman Empire. Armenians would be under American control. But Ataturk founding Turkey and the Armenians allying itself with the USSR has stopped that. When that teacher had a guest speaker, with an amazing american accent, talk about The Armenian Genocide over and over again something seemed weird. The Armenian Genocide was a horrible atrocity carried out by the no longer existing Muslim Ottoman Empire against the Christian Armenians. The Turkish government today is not the same one. There are Kurds in Armenia and Turkey and they are using the genocide to push US Foreign Policy.
Doesn't this sound like the same thing Israel does? In 2007 4-Star General Wesley Clark gave a speech saying that they will destabilize seven countries in five years.
Then the Arab Spring happened in 2011. Libya was destroyed. Iran and Syria were not able to be destroyed. The people at the state department decided on a different tactic. The Kurds.
Then you have all these Podcasters and Academics talking about how important it is to overthrow Assad. Anarchists go to this area to play at being Hunter S. Thompson. Islamophobia runs rampant there and the Israeli troops and American Troops are also there.
Which is why I was uncomfortable with the subtle Islamophobia, advocating of human trafficking, advocating forced assimilation, and agreeing with a student who said that Israel is a progressive country because of its stance on LGBTQ.
Because I am against Zionism, Imperialism, and War I was abused in horrible ways. He got the whole class to turn against me. I was called a right winger, a fed, and told I deserved my rape. Also invoking his fascist training, he asked my spouse's registration status. In my critique as clear as day in black and white the faculty member says as if it's a bad thing that I critique US Policy a lot.
The abuse I suffered from him caused me to take a break from college during a term. The guy who does the paperwork for the government regarding Veterans kept me enrolled. I asked and asked to unenroll me. The student working behind the desk said I wasn't enrolled and that is just a fluke. Well now I am being charged $5000 because this person was too worried about Ukrainians.
I had the college investigate it but only after I asked the Senator to get involved because Evergreen was more worried about Ukraine. She said she is deferring it to Evergreen and went to Ukraine to raise support.
Then October 7th happened.
Ukraine supports Israel.
Turkey, Iran, and Syria have all come out in support of the Palestinians. This explains why he was uncomfortable when I told the class they were engaging in genocidal rhetoric. He said I was rude. The college backed him.
The weird thing is when the Veterans guy kept me enrolled I wonder where that money went. It didn't get to maintain the college because a student died in December. And the Veterans guy has since changed his story as to why he is not on campus.
The money to keep students alive on campus went to spread death and destruction on the other side of the earth. A student died but Evergreen doesn't care; they have wars that need to be won.
Oh forgot to mention. Netanyahu supports the Kurds.
It took quite a bit of re-reading to get the gist, but there are some insights into the dual nature of institutions that profess one thing and do another.